Two months ago, a Delhi-based girl had complained that her one-year-old video calling content was uploaded on a porn site. Analysing the complaints received in the past six months, officials said: "Most of them were related to the videos of couples stripping or masturbating live." Speaking to Mail Today, a senior official in the Cyber Cell claimed that there has been a rise in such cases where the people operating the porn sites are watching the users live, recording and uploading them on the porn websites. "Mentioning all the URLs of the videos, she requested to help her in taking down all the videos," a source in the Cyber Cell said. Recently, a 25-year-old girl who is about to get married in November, had filed a complaint in the Cyber Cell alleging that her personal video chats with her husband on Skype had been hacked and uploaded on porn sites.

It has been learnt that the Cyber Cell and other helpline numbers dealing in cases of cyber bullying are receiving complaints about their personal video call conversations being uploaded on porn sites. Newlyweds and couples in distant relationships are more vulnerable to the spying by porn site operators turned hackers.