Shortly thereafter, Captain Scott Mitchell aids an aerial attack against a rebel supply base from Black Hawk 5, annihilating two enemy weapons convoys in the process.

Immediately after arriving in Mexico, the Ghosts are put to work destroying a sizable rebel position guarded by two large artillery pieces, enabling additional American forces to reach the main battle-zone. The Ghosts are sent to Mexico by General Joshua Keating to investigate claims that the rebels are in possession of a dirty bomb, as well as prevent the rebellion from directly assaulting US soil. Despite the death of Carlos Ontiveros, the insurgency has continued under the leadership of Juan de la Barrera, even spreading into other Latin American states, including Colombia, Honduras and Panama where rebel forces have effectively shut down the Panama Canal. The game begins in Ciudad Juárez just after General Ontiveros' rebellion, where Mexican rebel activity has caused civil unrest throughout Mexico. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Another problem is that if a target is marked for sniping/focused firing, a lot of the time, something will be in-between the squad mate and the target and he/she will not maneuver so he/she can shoot the target rendering the ability to mark targets almost useless. Unfortunately, squad and support AIs have problems with aiming and take an unnecessary amount of firing before they actually kill an enemy. "behind the red car", or "under the green roof"). Units will actively seek cover and descriptively call out targets (e.g. is improved, with less problems occurring than in the last Advanced Warfighter. This makes the direction of friendly units much more accurate and effective. One significant change is the addition of the improved CROSS-COM system, a battlefield information interlink between all friendly units, that now allows a full screen view of what any unit is seeing. The gameplay is similar to the first Advanced Warfighter, although some new features have been added to improve gameplay.