What is interesting, that if i go to the installation folder (you now, steamapps/common) and if i try to start the game by double

" I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game and also validated the files multiple times but it still doesn't work. Cracked Doom Eternal Executable is Bethesda’s DRM-Free Mistake.Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. All Steam Achievements can be earned with any new characters you create on Steam.When you run an executable file, you give it permission to run the instructions held within it. Certain Steam Achievements may still be earned on that character based on completing the requisite criteria again, but at this time, we can't guarantee that Steam will register these Achievements consistently. Also, if you're transferring an Epic save file to your Steam account, be aware that save data will not sync between the two platforms, and you will not immediately receive Steam Achievements you may have already earned with that save file. NOTE: This process will only update your locally stored save files, so you will need to refresh any existing cloud saves to reflect the new files. All characters and preferences in both the Steam and Epic versions of Borderlands 3 should show up the next time you boot them up.sav files representing your Vault Hunters.)

(These files include profile.sav which tracks your Options preferences and all the numbered.